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Once again we see the deliberate and unwelcome destruction of locally placed life saving equipment. This vandalism has become too common place within the Strabane District and is going to go on until someone loses their life because of narrow minded individuals.

We call for individuals to catch themselves on, on a daily basis and yet we make no head way. Therefore as unfortunate as it may be we now need the statutory agencies to step up and bring this vandalism to an end. We cannot and will not await the loss of a life to be proactive about this foolish behaviour.

If the culprits do not care about the community then we certainly do. We are going to be taking whatever steps necessary to bring this wanton destruction to an end.

Vandals beware!
8 January 2024
The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) has apologised "unreservedly" to the family of an elderly couple killed by a man with serious mental illness. The above is not unlike situations that we have witnessed in our own towns and villages. Situations whereas we have pleaded for assistance only to be ignored and told that there was no concern. Thank god our situations have not resulted in a death (Not yet at least). The Cawdery killings were avoidable and we must learn from them. Mental health must be taken seriously by the powers that be. We cannot continue to play Russian roulette with peoples lives. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Cawdery family circle.
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